People behind the initiative

Tobias Kopka
Co-Initiator Art of Coding, International Relations & Scene Contact
Special Operations @ Digitale Kultur e.V.
Curator & Program Director @ curatomic
Tobias Kopka (curatomic) is Head of Developer Relations at Reboot Develop in Croatia and Canada, having led the conference program of numerous other game developer events like Ludicious, Quo Vadis, Respawn, or devcom. With a background in the demoscene for almost 30 years, and a wide interest in everything games, tech, art, culture, and the community he is on a mission to enlist the demoscene as the first digital culture on UNESCO intangible world cultural heritage.
Full Bio:
Twitter: @Dedux

Andreas Lange
Co-Initiator Art of Coding, International Applications Coordinator, Institutional Relations
President EFGAMP
Andreas is founding director of the Computer Games Museum in Berlin and was its curator until August 2018. Lange is president of EFGAMP (European Federation of Game Archives Museums and Preservation Projects). He also acts as an expert for European Union and the German Unesco commission in the field of gaming culture, digital heritage cultural diversity.
Twitter: @A_Lange_Berlin
Partners & Supporters
Our main aim is to kickstart the conversation and guard it, so it keeps going – have a look on the amazing range of our supporters, partners and friends.
Country Contact Points
Country Contact Points are people who volunteer to help coordinating a submission to UNESCO in the respective country. This doesn´t mean they have to represent the final entity which is submitting an application, but it means they stay on the task to make sure an application gets submitted.
We´d love if you volunteer to run an application in your country, please don´t hesitate to get in touch with us!
For most direct access, if you have questions or want to help, join the AOC Discord-Server:
Please don’t hesitate to let us know you are there on the Discord – and also approach the listed contact persons, if you like to contribute to the existing or new applications or are willing to help in a different way
Applications in preparation or running
Jakob Moesgaard
Special consultant in Digital Cultural Heritage, Royal Danish Library
email: jamo [at]
Allan Christophersen
Curator in Digital Cultural Heritage, Royal Danish Library
email: alch [at]
Chefs de projet :
Anne-Rose Davigo “Cicile”
Florine Fouquart “Flopine”
Consultants :
Funder and president of MO5.COM, videogames history expert and curator
Philippe Dubois “Prez”, MO5.COM
email: dubois [at]
Paul Rony, MO5.COM
The Finnish Museum of Games
email: pelimuseo [at]
Tobias Kopka
Founding member of Digitale Kultur e.V., Demoscener since 1992 (Haujobb / Agnostic Front), Gaming expert and conference director for game developer conferences.
email: tobias [at]
To be updated
(Originally pushed by Andrzej Lichnerowicz / angelo / OftenHide & Aberration Creations)
in exploration
Andry Joos aka Unlock/Vantage^Padua
Founding member and president of Echtzeit – Digitale Kultur, Demoscener since 1993 (C64, PC), long time main organizer of Buenzli & Demodays party series, long time main editor of the PAiN diskmag
email: andry.joos [at]
We are looking for more demosceners and interested supporters to file applications in even more countries, get in touch directly or join our Discord.
If you like what we do, don´t hesitate to reach out to be added to our partners list! We love your support!
Demoscene partners
Demoscene Initiatives





Demoscene Groups

Like the initiative? Send us your group logos to show your support!
Country Contact Points
Contributing Institutions & Organisations
Supporting friends of the Initiative

Individual supporters of the initiative
Heartfelt thanks to all individual contributors:
Pekka “Pehu” Aakko
Judith Ackermann
Toni Aittoniemi
Gleb Albert
Yoann le Bats
Christian Brandt
Luisa Bojczuk
Allan Christophersen
Anne-Rose “Cicile” Davigo
Philppe “Prez” Dubois
Florine “Flopine” Fouquart
Gundolf S. Freyermuth
Satu Hapakoski
Tobias Heim
Mikko Heinonen
Koopee Hiltunen
Reza Esmaili
Heikki Jungman
Jukka Kauppinen
Andre “kudrix” Kudra
Frank E. Larsen
Filip Kuźmiński
Andrzej Lichnerowicz
Anna-Liisa Mattila
Andry Joos
Leena Marsio
Kaja Mikoszewska
Shana Marinitsch
Stephan Maihöfer
Jakob Moesgaard
Jari Myllylahti
Niklas Nylund
Riina Ojanen
Manu Pärssinen
Stefan Pautze
Ronnie Pries
Outi Penninkangas
Bartosz Rakowski
Markku Reunanen
Paul Rony
Petri Saarikoski
Andreas Schilling
Łukasz Szałankiewicz
Stefan Ullrich
Thank you, Bridges 2020 promotion video contributors:
Unreal / Focus Design ^ Rebels (Modern Gfx)
Oni / Poo-Brain (Modern Gfx)
Prowler / Necta ^ SNG, TSG ^ (Amiga & C64 Gfx)
Veto / PriorArt ^ TRSI ^ OXY (Amiga & C64 Gfx)
Necro / FUEL ^ Royal Belgian Beer Squadron (ANSI Art)
Luisa / Poo-Brain ^ Rabenauge (ANSI Art & Media Gathering <3)
Skin / DeZign (ASCII Art)
Dascon & Mygg & Bonefish (Music)
HellMood / Desire (256b Mega Demo)
and all others featured in the 1999-2010 demo compilation by Digitale Kultur e.V. & Haujobb
Huge THANK YOU, RETURN Magazin, for letting us post RETURN #43 AoC article!
And thank you, article media contributors Darya Gulyamova, Zee Upitis, Tobias Kopka and Got Papers?
All groups who gave us their support, all party and association organizers who are supporting us – and a big thank you to everybody who creates demos, makes the scene vibrant and helps to move things around behind the scenes.
Did we miss you or you know someone we missed?
As this initiative is getting bigger every day, and by design should be decentral, we might have missed you or someone you know! So, if you are contributing to an application in a country or to the Art of Coding initiative in general and we didn´t add you here, yet, please get in touch!
Friends of the initiative
If you like the idea behind the initiative and want to show your support: we are also preparing a “petition style”-area, where you can declare your individual support soon. Come back soon!
Country Contact Points
Country Contact Points are people who volunteer to help coordinating a submission to UNESCO in the respective country. This doesn´t mean they have to represent the final entity which is submitting an application, but it means they stay on the task to make sure an application gets submitted.
We´d love if you volunteer to run an application in your country, please don´t hesitate to get in touch with us!
For most direct access, if you have questions or want to help, join the AOC Discord-Server:
Please don’t hesitate to let us know you are there on the Discord – and also approach the listed contact persons, if you like to contribute to the existing or new applications or are willing to help in a different way
Applications in preparation or running
Jakob Moesgaard
Special consultant in Digital Cultural Heritage, Royal Danish Library
email: jamo [at]
Allan Christophersen
Curator in Digital Cultural Heritage, Royal Danish Library
email: alch [at]
Chefs de projet :
Anne-Rose Davigo “Cicile”
Florine Fouquart “Flopine”
Consultants :
Funder and president of MO5.COM, videogames history expert and curator
Philippe Dubois “Prez”, MO5.COM
email: dubois [at]
Paul Rony, MO5.COM
The Finnish Museum of Games
email: pelimuseo [at]
Tobias Kopka
Founding member of Digitale Kultur e.V., Demoscener since 1992 (Haujobb / Agnostic Front), Gaming expert and conference director for game developer conferences.
email: tobias [at]
To be updated
(Originally pushed by Andrzej Lichnerowicz / angelo / OftenHide & Aberration Creations)
in exploration
Andry Joos aka Unlock/Vantage^Padua
Founding member and president of Echtzeit – Digitale Kultur, Demoscener since 1993 (C64, PC), long time main organizer of Buenzli & Demodays party series, long time main editor of the PAiN diskmag
email: andry.joos [at]
We are looking for more demosceners and interested supporters to file applications in even more countries, get in touch directly or join our Discord.
Want to help?
If you are from the scene or not, we are constantly adding partners to our initiative.
Don´t hesitate to reach out.