‘Preserving the Demoscene project’ funded by Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland

The “Preserving the Demoscene” project involves the digitization of the history and present of the demoscene, as well as the production of a documentary film about this phenomenon. A key component is the interviewing of demoscene enthusiasts. The project enhances the visibility of the demoscene and the availability and accessibility of cultural heritage materials. The “Preserving the Demoscene” project has received special funding from the Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland to support the accessibility and preservation of digital cultural heritage, services for public libraries, and the digitization of intangible cultural heritage.

In the “Preserving the Demoscene” project, materials related to the demoscene and especially its internal communication are collected and digitized. Both old and new members of the demoscene community are interviewed, forming an understanding of what the demoscene was like in the past and what it is now. The project aims to raise awareness of the demo hobby as intangible cultural heritage.

Based on the digitized materials and interviews, a documentary film will be produced, examining the hobby of demos from both historical and contemporary perspectives. The documentary aims to capture an authentic and honest portrayal of this unique culture and community, as well as the significance of the hobby to its members. The documentary will be filmed at Finnish demo events during the summer and autumn of 2024 and will serve as a culturally valuable record, making the demoscene visible to more than just its members.

The project is implemented by the Finnish Postal Museum and the Tampere Historical Museums as part of their joint national responsibility task, specializing in communications, gaming, postal services, and digital life. The Finnish Museum of Games is particularly involved. All the exhibitions of the project museums are located in the Vapriikki Museum Center. The “Preserving the Demoscene” project is carried out in collaboration with demo enthusiasts and will continue until the end of 2024.

For more information, contact Anne-Mari Musturi, project worker, Postal Museum, anne-mari [dot] musturi [at] postimuseo [dot] fi

Ungarian demo scene documentation project reached 100 %

Congratulations to the Moleman project, which just met the goal of their crowdfunding campaign even 5 days before it ends!

Stamps Back, the 5th episode of the Moleman documentary series, is a 144-minute film about the golden age of Hungarian video gaming and the formation of the Hungarian demoscene in the 80s and 90s, which you can watch for free on YouTube. More than 76 hours of interviews were conducted for the film, which is a true document of the Hungarian home computer life in the 80s and 90s.

While the movie shows the richness and creativity of the demoscene with many examples and personal experiences the success of the crowdfunding campaign is an other impressive sign of the livingness and attractiveness of the scene.

AND: Since 5 days are left don’t miss the chance to grab a collectors edition copy or support this great project in other attractive ways. Beyond being a documentation about the scene it’s a treasure trove for the history of east European creative computing in general, too.
